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Basic Income Initiative 2 : Community takeover

Dance of young people for basic income in Switzerland

Dance of young people for basic income in Switzerland

Basic Income Initiative 2 : Community takeover

By establishing freedom of work for the entire population, the Basic Income will place freedom at the heart of human relations.

Bernard Kundig

Dear friend,

The beginning of autumn will be marked by the beginning of the final countdown for the collection of signatures for the federal initiative for an unconditional basic income n° 2 and by the sudden death of Bernard Kundig, our late committee member, friend and valuable contributor to the UBI. He will not have been able to see this change of society for which he worked so hard materialize, but the commitment of everyone to make the current collection of signatures succeed will be a decisive step towards this positive change of society that he considered not only just, but also indispensable and inescapable, considering the evolution of the working world.


Happy reading!

UBI 2 Initiative : Community takeover

Raffael Wüthrich, coordinator, at a collection of signatures in the street

Only half of the signatures for the second federal popular initiative for a UBI have been collected, and there are only four months left to collect the remaining 60'000 signatures. The committee of the initiative "Living with Dignity - For an unconditional, financeable basic income" has therefore decided to change its strategy and to put the fate of the initiative in the hands of the grassroots, the basic income movement and all the organizations and people who support the UBI. But this will only work if many people take ownership of the initiative and if all forces unite to go and collect the missing signatures in the streets. Everyone who can do so is invited to collect signatures and spread the word about the collection in their personal circle.

The essential information and possibilities of action concerning this last phase are summarized on the website of the initiative, and on our website in the message of Raffael Wüthrich, the campaign coordinator:

Bernard Kundig passed away

The committee of BIEN-Switzerland regrets to announce the sudden death on September 7, 2022 of Bernard Kundig, Doctor of Sociology, licentiate in law, member of the committee and former vice-president of BIEN-Switzerland. Very attentive to the technological progress that translates into productivity gains, he had quickly come to the conclusion that the UBI would be imposed sooner or later. He saw the UBI as a possible and necessary advance in social justice as well as a major economic change necessary to prevent inevitable crises.

The committee of BIEN-Suisse presents its sincere condolences to his family. It will keep a moving and infinitely grateful memory of these years of collaboration with Bernard whose absence will be painfully felt, both by the loss of his always enthusiastic company, his great competence and the incalculable number of his contributions in favor of the UBI.

A huge thank you to all those who helped with time and money until now. In order to support the signature campaign, every contribution is precious. Dear friend, we thank you in advance for clicking, according to your possibilities, on one of the buttons below:

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