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Who are we? What do we want?

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BIEN-Switzerland is a no profit organization, with no political labels, founded in 2001 in Geneva.

Its name comes for Basic Income Earth Network, the global network it coordinates with.

"The goal of the association is exploring and promoting the concept and practice of basic income, in Switzerland and elsewhere. " (Art. 2 of the Statute)

The Association is committed to a different approach in social policies, one that might at least partially replace the existing insurance and social assistance schemes with a new model that better fits with the evolution of the economic system.

The association currently counts more than two hundred members, all across Switzerland.

Association's resources are membership fees, donations, financial support from organizations of public interest for specific projects and especially volunteer committees and active members coming from other organizations.

BIEN Switzerland publishes specialized books, periodic newsletters and 2010's book "How to finance a Basic Income." BIEN's publications are bilingual (French / German). Some documents are also available in Italian.

The association actively supports the introduction of a basic income in Switzerland, event together with (DE) Federal Popular Initiative for Unconditional Basic Income's committee.


How to join BIEN Switzerland

Anyone who accept the purpose of the association and pay the annual fee may become a member.

The ordinary annual membership fee is CHF 50.- The member may also choose to pay the reduced fee CHF 20.- or the supporter's fee CHF 100.- (ore more…) . The call to pay is sent in May, along with the invitation to the Annual General Meeting.

For budget reasons, most of BIEN-Switzerland's communications are sent by e -mail. Those who do not have an e-mail address will receive our news through the postal service.

Registration form to become a member

Talks, conversations and seminars

We organize informative sessions about unconditional basic income, including the screening of a documentary film followed by a discussion. We are also happy to answer any invitation coming from associations, universities, social institutions, or any group interested in our presentations.

BIEN's History

Each year, BIEN.CH offers public information sessions, internal training, publishes articles and drives its digital presence. In addition to these regular activities, here are some of its exceptional activities:

  • 2001
  • Foundation of BIEN-Suisse.
  • 2002
  • BIEN's International congress organized in Geneva.
  • 2003
  • Campaign with the candidates to Federal Elections.
  • 2004
  • BIEN published : «Basic Income for all» in cooperation with the International Labour Organization (I.L.O.).
  • 2005
  • Round table in Zurich with many experts and professors.
  • BIEN attends the 1st german-speaking congress on Basic Income in Wien.
  • 2006
  • BIEN attended the "kick-off" seminar organized by the Initiative Grundeinkommen (DE) in Romainmôtier.
  • Present in 11th congress of "Basic Income Earth Network" (B.I.E.N.) in Capetown, South Africa.
  • Our chart painting the broad strokes of our visions for basic income, and recapitulating the reason for its necessity gets written.
  • 2007
  • Our first paper (DE/FR) about basic income is published.
  • Round table organized in Zurich with Dieter Althaus, Minister-President of Thuringe, supporting basic income.
  • BIEN co-organizes the 2nd German-speaking congress (DE) on Basic Income, in Basel.
  • 2008
  • Our second paper (DE/FR) about basic income is published.
  • Seminar organized in Lausanne. BIEN co-organizes the 3rd German-speaking congress (DE) on Basic Income, in Berlin.
  • 2009
  • First bulletin launched.
  • Collective proposition (FR) addressed to the Constituent Assembly of the Canton de Genève; collection of 1876 signatures.
  • 2010
  • BIEN organized in Berne a conference conference (DE/FR) with Herbert Jauch, from "Labour Research and Resources Institute" (LaRRI), Namibie.
  • Co-organisation of an European petition with on-line signature collection.
  • Our book How to finance a Basic Income (DE/FR) gets published.
  • Round table (in french) organized at Geneva University with Prof. Sandro Cattacin and National Counselor Joseph Zysiadis.
  • 2011
  • 2012
  • 2013
  • 2014
  • Support of swiss French group Génération RBI (FR) of activism for the campaign.
  • Publication of a detailed presentation dossier of a presentation on the basic income and the federal initiative.
  • Upgrade of this website bien.ch in four languages DE-FR-IT-EN and launch of two other sites to support the organization of our activities.
  • Representation of Switzerland at the conference 'Unconditional Basic Income: emancipating European Welfare at European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels.
  • Articles and interviews in national and international media.
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • Invitation to Bern by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs to present our campaign to French-speaking journalists from France Inter, La Tribune, L'Obs, Le Point, L'Express and Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace.
  • Invitation to Paris by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy and the Ministry of Housing and Sustainable Housing for the "Happiness at Work" conference, re-examining the value of work and the link between work and remuneration.
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021


pdf Status
pdf Chart
pdf Presentation (this page)
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